Friday, 10 April 2015

2015 Reading Challenge

With a quarter of 2015 whoosed away, and exams on my head. I await my precious non-academic reading time.Here is a challenge I'm taking up and putting up here, so that it hurts me physically when I don't do it.

I also have an evolving Reading List of books everyone must read, do have a look. If you are joining this challenge with me, do leave a comment so that we can wallow in self pity together when we don't complete it. Much, love!

PS: List will be updated with the name of the book, so keep up!
  1. A Book with more than 500 Pages - A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth
  2. A Classic Romance
  3. A Book that became a movie - The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri (re-read)
  4. A Book Published this year
  5. A Book with a number in the title
  6. A graphic novel
  7. A Book Written by someone under 30
  8. A Book with Non-Human Characters
  9. A Funny Book
  10. A Book by a Female Author - Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert
  11. A Mystery or Thriller - ABC Murders by Agatha Christie
  12. A Book with one word story title - Gulab by Annie Zaidi
  13. A Book set in a Different Country - Love Virtually by Daniel Glattauer
  14. A Non-Fiction Book
  15. A Popular author's book - The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri
  16. A Book from an Author you haven't read yet
  17. A Book a friend recommended - Eat, Pray and Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
  18. A Pulitzer Prize winning book
  19. A Book based on a true story
  20. A Book at the bottom of your to-read list - My Family & Other Animals by Gerald Durrell
  21. A Book that your mom loves
  22. A Book that scares you
  23. A Book more than 100 years old
  24. A Book you were supposed to read in School but didn't
  25. A Book you can finish in a Day - Lullabies by Lang Leav
  26. A book based entirely on its cover
  27. A Book with antonyms in the title
  28. A Book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit - A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
  29. A book that came out the year you were born
  30. A Book with Bad Reviews - Sita's Curse by Sreemoyee Piu Kundu
  31. A trilogy
  32. A Book from your childhood
  33. A Book with a Love Triangle
  34. A Book Set in the Future
  35. A Book Set in High School
  36. A Book with a Color in the Title
  37. A Book that made you Cry
  38. A Book with Magic
  39. A Book you own but have never read
  40. A Book that takes place in your hometown
  41. A Book that was originally written in a different language
  42. A Book set during Christmas
  43. A Book written by an Indian Author
  44. A Play
  45. A Banned Book
  46. A Collection of Poems
  47. A Book you started but never finished
  48. A memoir - My Brief History by Stephen Hawking
  49. A Book of short stories - Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
  50. A Book that you would consider a guilty pleasure - Every Seventh Wave by Daniel Gattaeur