Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Awesome April - Day 25 *updated*

Today's Inspiration.

To know about Awesome April click here , here and here
Whoever wants to join can use this as a stimulus and write a post . By the end of the day I'll update this with my response along with links to those who joined today. Email me your links on
Waiting to read all you wonderful people's posts =)

Don't worry about the whole month , you'll can join today and choose not to tomorrow , its awesome that way. :D

"I love her Maa"
Reema's words rang in her mother's ears. Ree, her lovely girl, loved another woman. She couldn't understand how that could be. She wasn't raised this way. All the sleepovers were becoming clearer now. My daughter and love a woman , what a disappointment she thought as she put a garland over Reema's photo.

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